Our English program, les 1L spé anglais racontent leur soirée cabaret...(in English !!)

Dans le cadre de la soirée cabaret, les 1ères L Langue vivante approfondie qui passent donc l’anglais en tant que spécialité, avaient pour tâche de présenter leur programme. Les élèves travaillent sur 4 notions pendant deux ans et doivent présenter l’une d’entre elles en terminale à l’oral devant un examinateur extérieur.

Les quatre notions sont les suivantes :
1 - Spaces and exchanges, (espaces et échanges)
2 - Myths and heroes, (mythes et héros)
3 - Places and forms of power, (lieux et formes de pouvoirs)
4 - Idea of progress. (idée de progrès)

Pour chacune d’entre elles, les élèves devaient choisir une chanson qui, selon eux, correspondait à la notion et expliquer aux autres les raisons de leur choix. Après discussions et vote, les quatre chansons suivantes sont donc ressorties pour chacune des notions :

1- Beds are burning, Midnight Oil
2- Working Class Hero, John Lennon
3- Power of love, Huey Lewis
4- Heal the world, Michael Jackson

Le mercredi 14 et le jeudi 15 décembre, après des séances de travail sur la prononciation avec Tyler, notre assistant américain, et sur le chant, les élèves ont donc présenté et chanté ces chansons devant le public du CLE...Un grand moment pour nous !

Leurs premières impressions en quelques lignes après cette prestation à lire ci dessous...en anglais !

« When Loan told us that we would do the Cabaret Evening show, we thought that we would never dare doing it because it was difficult for us to talk in English even in class in front of our schoolmates,
Loan was so enthusiastic about this project that we didn’t want to disappoint her. Furthermore, that motivated us.
It was reassuring to chose our own songs and the fact to rehearse both our presentations and the singing enabled us to feel more comfortable.
Step by step, we got closer to each other and more confident together. We had nice moments during the rehearsals.
When the date of the cabaret evening came closer, we were more and more stressed.
Finally, on wednesday evening we were very excited and we felt ready. We were nervous, but less than we thought.
At the end, we were proud of ourselves and we think that it went well. »
Léa and Véria

« At the beginning, we didn’t feel that much stress buth the more we rehearsed, the more we were stressed. The firts time we knew what we were really going to do was the first time we rehearsed on stage. Emiliano started to stress out when he realized he was going to sing alone twice in the song Beds are Burning.For us, rehearsing and doing it on stage in front of all of thopse people is really not the same.
On stage, you just feel like a robot, you have all this adrenaline that makes you forget who you are, where you are but makes you speak mechanically. It is really hard to move on stage, you do not really know how to act. The first time you fo on stage, you just close your hands in four back and sing. (it is already a miracle that we successfully sang), you don’t even know were to look, it is so stressful to see all those people starting at you. On stage, you feel the energy from the people in the room : if they like it or not. Actually, most of the time, we were just looking at our teacher or our American assisstant who we really trust.
Even if we were scared, we were actuallyproud of ourselves at the end of the second representation, we were feeling like we did it, it wasn’t too bad, the public applauded and told us it was great. »
Emiliano and Léopold.